Cobalt Bike Hub

Cobalt Bike Hub

Time: 8 a.m.-10 a.m.

The Cobalt Bike Hub is back open for FREE MOTs 

(1st Wednesday of the month) 

The FREE Bike MOTs are available to all Cobalt staff. Your bike will be checked and adjusted during your working day – simply drop it off at the Cobalt Bike Hub in the morning and collect it at lunchtime or at an agreed time.

Book your space here 

You will be issued with a detailed feedback form for your bike which will indicate the condition of specific components. 

Our fully-trained bike mechanic will now conduct MOTs in-house. This ensures that you can reach out to us anytime during the workweek for any bike-related issues

Please contact - Jonny@cobaltpark.co.uk


Join us at the June bike hub- WATBike will be here selling a range of adults and kids bikes.



For more information on everything cycling contact the MORE team:

e: info@morecobalt.co.uk

t: 0191 257 6457